Sunday, 12 November 2017

Confusement Jokes

Friend: What does your last name mean?
Me: Nothing.
Friend: What? Your name doesn't mean anything?
Me: No! It doesn't mean "anything"!
Friend: Exactly! That's what I said!
Me: It means nothing!
Friend: Doesn't mean anything and meaning nothing are exactly the same thing!
Me: No! I meant my name's meaning is nothing. Like your name means "All"! 
Friend: Oh!
Me: Finally you gave me an

Dad: Son, can you take the dog out and give him some air?
Me: Sure Dad. Where's the nearest gas station?
Dad: Why do you want to know?
Me: To give the dog some air.
Dad: So just take the dog out for air! No need for the gas station!
Me: But the gas station will give the dog some air!
Dad: But if you give him the air he will become a balloon! Not a dog!
Me: Well, you told me to give him some air.
Dad: Yep! So go and take him out!
Me: Then why don't you take him! I'm getting too confused!
Dad: Fine. I'll take the dog.

Dad: I lost the dog!
Me: (Laughing) It's floating above you!
Dad: Oh yeah! I forgot! This is what he should look like when he comes back!
Me:(Frowning) That's what I was going to do!
Dad: Oh!

Dad: One more word and I'm going to give you what for!
Me: What for?
Dad: That's right. What for!
Me: No! I mean what are you going to give me what for for?
Dad: Never you mind, just wait and see.
Me: But what's for for?
Dad: What's what for for? It's to teach you what's what! That's what!
Me: What's that?
Dad: Right. You're for it! I'm going to let you have it!
Me: Have what?


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