Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Most Powerful and Expensive Laptop

The Acer Predator 21X is the most extreme laptop ever built. Only 300 of them were made, since they were too expensive to make. The laptops were sold for almost $9000. This laptop was released in February 2017. 

The Predator 21X was bigger and heavier than any other laptop. It had a 21 inch screen and was about 8.5 kg. It was mostly used like a desktop rather than a laptop because of its weight. It was just easier to take around since it was smaller and had less external wiring. But it was as powerful as a desktop. It had a high power processor ( Intel Core I7-7820HK 2.9GHz), GTX 1080 SLI ( 2 GTX 1080 desktop graphics cards), 64 GB RAM and 2 512 GB SSDs. 
Predator 21X

It has 4 stereo speakers, 5 USB ports, 4 USB 3.0 ports, an 8-cell 6000 mAh Lithium Ion battery and a 330 W power supply.

Compared to this my laptop only has: Intel Core I5-3337U 2.4 GHz, GT 635M mobile GPU, 4 GB RAM 2 HDDs (279 GB and 397 GB). Mine will also weigh about only 2-3 kg.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Our Solar System

The Sun
The Sun is our star. There are eight planets orbiting the sun and there could still be more. It is possible that there is a tenth planet behind Pluto currently known as Planet X.
The eight planets in order are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Planet X.
The Sun's surface is 5,505°C hot.The Sun's core can reach 15 billion°C.

is the 1st planet from the Sun. It is also the smallest planet in our solar system. It's diameter is 4,879 km. It is the smallest planet in our solar system, slightly bigger than our Moon.


Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun. Despite its distance from the Sun it is still hotter than mercury, because Venus has thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide traps almost all heat that enters the atmosphere, which is also what is causing global warming here on Earth.

The Earth is the third planet in the solar system and is where we are living. It was formed 4.5 billion years ago along with the other planets. Earth has only one natural satellite which is the moon. The Earth would be among the brightest light in the night sky of another planet because the water reflects off a lot of the light coming from the Sun. Earth also has a small ring of 20 meters.
Image result for earth

Mars is the fourth planet from the solar system. It is known for having a possible source of life since it had some water around 1970s. Scientists say that there still might be some bacteria that can survive there. Mars has 2 natural satellites that both have an irregular shape and are very small. They are Phobos and Deimos.
Mars is 230 million km from the Sun and its orbital period is 687 Earth days. A day on Mars is slightly longer than on Earth: 24 hours and 39 minutes.
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Mars in 1970s
Mars appears as a red-orange globe with darker blotches and white icecaps visible on both of its poles.
Mars in 2007

Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and the 1st of the outer planets and gas giants. Jupiter is the 2nd largest object in the Solar System and the largest of all planets. It also has the shortest day of the Solar System which is just 10 Earth hours. The great red spot near the middle of the planet is a giant storm. Jupiter's orbital time is 11.862 Earth years.
Jupiter and its shrunken Great Red Spot.jpg

SaturnSaturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the 2nd largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is known mainly for its large variety of rings. 1 year on Saturn is equivalent to 29.4571 years on Earth. One day on Saturn is equal to 11 Earth hours. Saturn has the lowest density of all other planets. In fact, it is so dense it can float on a giant pool. Saturn has 64 known satellites.
Image result for saturn
   UranusUranus is the 7th planet from the Sun. It is the 3rd largest planet. Uranus is a weird planet because its rings show that the planet is tilted slightly more than 90 degrees. A day on Uranus takes 17 Earth hours and a year on Uranus takes 84.0205 years.
Image result for uranus 
   NeptuneImage result for neptuneNeptune is the 8th and farthest known planet. Its dark spot is also a strong storm like in Jupiter. It has 14 known satellites. Neptune's dark spot has the strongest winds in the whole Solar System, with wind speeds that reach up to 2000 km per hour. A day on Neptune is shorter than Uranus' by one hour. A year on Neptune is 164.8 years.   PLANET XCaltech researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. This hypothetical Neptune-sized planet orbits our Sun in a highly elongated orbit far beyond Pluto. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the Sun on average than Neptune. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the Sun.  Astronomers studying the Kuiper Belt have noticed some of the dwarf planets and other small, icy objects tend to follow orbits that cluster together. By analyzing these orbits, the Caltec team predicted the possibility that a large, previously undiscovered planet may be hiding far beyond Pluto.Artist's illustration of Hypothetical Planet XThey estimate the gravity of this potential planet might explain the unusual orbits of those Kuiper objects.          


Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Euphoria the Physics Engine

Euphoria is a game animation engine created by NaturalMotion is based on a full simulation of the 3D character, including body, muscles and motor nervous system. Instead of using limited animations, the characters' actions and reactions are produced in real-time; they are different every time, even when replaying the same scene. While it is common for current video games to use simple ragdolls for animations generated on the fly, Euphoria uses a more complex method to animate the entire thing of physically bound objects within the game environment. The engine was to be used in an Indiana Jones game that has since been cancelled. According to its web site, Euphoria runs on the Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS and Android platforms and is compatible with all commercial physics engines.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Confusement Jokes

Friend: What does your last name mean?
Me: Nothing.
Friend: What? Your name doesn't mean anything?
Me: No! It doesn't mean "anything"!
Friend: Exactly! That's what I said!
Me: It means nothing!
Friend: Doesn't mean anything and meaning nothing are exactly the same thing!
Me: No! I meant my name's meaning is nothing. Like your name means "All"! 
Friend: Oh!
Me: Finally you gave me an

Dad: Son, can you take the dog out and give him some air?
Me: Sure Dad. Where's the nearest gas station?
Dad: Why do you want to know?
Me: To give the dog some air.
Dad: So just take the dog out for air! No need for the gas station!
Me: But the gas station will give the dog some air!
Dad: But if you give him the air he will become a balloon! Not a dog!
Me: Well, you told me to give him some air.
Dad: Yep! So go and take him out!
Me: Then why don't you take him! I'm getting too confused!
Dad: Fine. I'll take the dog.

Dad: I lost the dog!
Me: (Laughing) It's floating above you!
Dad: Oh yeah! I forgot! This is what he should look like when he comes back!
Me:(Frowning) That's what I was going to do!
Dad: Oh!

Dad: One more word and I'm going to give you what for!
Me: What for?
Dad: That's right. What for!
Me: No! I mean what are you going to give me what for for?
Dad: Never you mind, just wait and see.
Me: But what's for for?
Dad: What's what for for? It's to teach you what's what! That's what!
Me: What's that?
Dad: Right. You're for it! I'm going to let you have it!
Me: Have what?

Thursday, 11 August 2016

The Lunar Moth

The luna moth has spots on its wings. People think they look like moons (luna means "moon"). To other animals, however, these spots look like eyes.
Having spots that look like eyes is good for the luna moth. Other animals see these spots and get scared. They think they belong to a larger animal. This helps the luna moth not get eaten. It may also trick other animals into attacking a wing instead of the body.
View passage image
Like the butterfly, the luna moth begins life as a caterpillar. But it doesn't stay that way. After a while, it moves into a cocoon. Inside, it changes from a caterpillar into a moth.
The adult luna moth may grow up to 41/2 inches from wingtip to wingtip. That makes it one of the largest moths in North America. Although the luna moth is large, its life is short. A luna moth lives just 7 to 10 days. Interestingly, it doesn't eat or drink anything that whole time. Instead, it lives on energy it stored as a caterpillar.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Adaped For Speed

Which sports car am I talking about?

It can reach a speed of up to 75 miles per hour and can go from 0 to 68 miles per hour in under three seconds.
None. I am talking about the cheetah, which is the fastest land animal in the world.
The cheetah has many special adaptations that help it to run fast. An adaptation is something that helps an animal to live in the wild. Adaptations might help animals find food, get away from danger, or find mates. In the case of the cheetah, its body has adaptations that make it very fast. Cheetahs use this super speed to hunt and catch their prey.
One of the cheetah's special adaptations is its claws. If you have ever looked at a cat's paw closely, you might have noticed that the cat can retract* its claws. A cat puts its claws out when it wants to use them for scratching or climbing. When the cat is done using its claws, it can retract them back into its paws. A cheetah cannot fully retract its claws. This means that a cheetah's claws are always out. This adaptation gives the cheetah a better grip when it is running. The un-retracted claws act just like the treads on a car's tires or cleats on a track shoe. This extra grip helps the cheetah to run faster.
Another important adaptation for the cheetah is its long tail. A cheetah's tail acts like the rudder on a boat. In other words, the tail helps the cheetah to steer as it runs. Even when a cheetah is running at top speed, its tail helps it to change direction in an instant. The tail allows the cheetah to take sharp turns without slowing down or losing its balance.
Image result for cheetahCheetahs weigh much less than other big cats. They have small heads, thin legs, and short muzzles (noses and mouths). These smaller features help the cheetah to be more aerodynamic. Something that is aerodynamic has a shape that allows air to pass over it easily. The more easily air can pass over something, the faster it will go. A cheetah's small head and flat face are very aerodynamic. This means that air passes over them effortlessly, allowing the cheetah to reach top speeds with ease.
Cheetahs' bodies also have a few adaptations that help it to breathe in and use more oxygen. The large nostrils on a cheetah's nose help it to take in more oxygen as it runs. Cheetahs also have very big lungs that allow it to breathe very deeply, bringing a large amount of oxygen into its body. A cheetahs' large heart can then pump the oxygen-filled blood throughout its body very quickly as the animal runs.
These adaptations help the cheetah reach speeds of over 70 miles per hour in only a few seconds. However, they also can cause some problems. A cheetah cannot keep its top speed up for very long—it can sprint, but it is no good at distance running. After a one to two minutes of running at maximum speed, the cheetah must slow down and rest, often for up to 30 minutes. This means that if the cheetah did not catch its prey, it must wait before it can try again. By the time the cheetah is ready to run again, the animals it was hunting might be very far away.
Similarly, the cheetah's aerodynamic body allows it to run fast, but it also makes the cheetah less able to defend itself in a fight. The cheetah is much smaller than other predators. Lions, for example, can weigh over 400 pounds—about 275 pounds more than a cheetah. Cheetahs also have smaller teeth and a weaker jaw. If a larger animal threatens a cheetah or tries to take its food, the cheetah has no choice but to run away.
Even though the cheetah is the fastest animal on land, it is still in danger. In 1900, there were 100,000 cheetahs in the wild. Today, there are only about 10,000. The fact that they cannot fight off larger animals is only a small part of the problem. Cheetahs face much larger problems because of human beings. Much of the cheetah's land is being turned into farmland or housing for growing cities. Cheetahs are also being hunted for their fur or trapped and sold as pets for the very rich. We may not be able to help cheetahs by making them stronger or giving them bigger teeth, but we can help them by protecting the animals and their land.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Jokes!!!: number: I dont know how many I made!

1.Doctor, Doctor, I think I'm a video!
A.I thought I've seen you before.

2.How many apples can you put in an empty box?
A. One. After that it won't be empty anymore!

3. How can you sink a submarine full of people?
A. Knock on the door!

4. Why did the golfer wear 2 pairs of pants?
A. In case he got a HOLE in one.   :D

5. Doctor, Doctor, I think my eyesight is getting worse!
Yes. You're right! This is the post office!

6. Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a spoon!
Then just relax and try not to stirr!

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

The Solar System: Earth

Did you know that the earth would be the brightest planet from a distance. It's even brighter than Venus! This is cause by the Earths water which is reflecting the suns light back.

The planet with life!
Astronomers have been studying about the life on Earth. The Earth only has life because it is in the right position of the solar system. Astronomers say that Mars once also have life on its surface before Earth did. But they don't know yet about if there is still life there.

Mars has red sand on its surface. But Earth Doesn't Have any of this. Earth has only brown dirt, white sand and light brown sand like in deserts. Mars has this red dust because the water that was on the surface has dried up. Also the iron beneath the dust reacts with oxygen, producing a red rust colour, while the sky appears the same colour as  storms carry dust into the atmosphere.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Funny Jokes 11!!!

1.What do dinosaurs put in their chips?

2.What do dinosaurs put on their floors?
A. Rep-Tiles.

3.Why is six scared of seven?
A.Because 7-8-9.

4.Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A.To get to the bottom.

5.What helps keep you teeth together?

6.What is the easiest way to get on TV?
A.Sit on it.

7.Name 3 invention that have helped man up in the world.
A.The elevator, the ladder, and the alarm clock.

8.Doctor, Doctor, no-one ever listens to me.

9.Doctor, Doctor, How can I stop my nose from running?
Stick your foot out and make it trip over.

10.Doctor, Doctor, I have ringing in my ears.
Well, then answer it!

11.Doctor, Doctor, I'm turning into a trashcan.
Don't talk such rubbish.

12.Doctor, Doctor, Everyone thinks I am a liar.
I don't believe you.

13.Doctor, Doctor, I have only 59 seconds to live!
Just a minute.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Simply the Best

On the 17th September on Thursday, there will be a whole school circus called Simply the Best. Stage 2 are the scary ones and will enter the stage with a song called Thriller by Michael Jackson and we will dance to another song by Michael Jackson called Beat It. 

The whole school will come on stage and sing two songs called Simply the Best by Tina Turner made in 1991 and We Go Together from a movie called Grease made in 1978